review of "tractor f'n trailer split 7 inch"


Goddamn, these Mantis cats- from Indiana, of all places- lay down a super-heavy dose of druggy horsemetal here. "Choking on Forbidden Fruit" has elements of stoner rock and supergrunge, but mostly it's a manly wallop of galloping thunder with Thin Lizzy guitars and massive ego star vocals. Fuck, I gotta listen to this one again. I dunno who these cats are or how much they sold their souls for to sound this good, but drop everything and check 'em out asap. Righteous.

Man, it certainly didn't seem like my lucky day, but the flipside, "Tractor Fuckin' Trailer" from Devil to Pay (another Indy heavyweight), rocks like crazy, too. This one's a wicked-riffed redneck doom brain-boiler that churns and bubbles like the kind of witch's brew Alabama Thunderpussy might drink after the whiskey ran out. This one's got a guitar tone that sounds so poisonous, the cat handling it must have to wear gloves. A damn fine track, and a great split single. Who knew Indianapolis had it in 'em? I guess the Gizmo's were right- the Midwest CAN be alright, after all.