About.com review of "Fate is Your Muse"

New Heavy Metal Album Reviews: April 9, 2013

By Chad Bowar, About.com Guide

The latest heavy metal album reviews, including releases from Apparitions, Arkona, Birth A.D., Blaak Heat Sujaa, Code Of Silence, Deathchain, Devil To Pay, Enabler, Gloryhammer, Krzak Experience, No Omega, The Omega Experiment, Osada Vida, Russkaja, Serenity, Supuration, Trinakrius, Visons Of Atlantis and Warbeast.

The ratings are on a 5 star scale.

Devil to Pay - 'Fate Is Your Muse' (Ripple)

Genre: Heavy Rock/Metal Fate Is Your Muse from Indianapolis heavy rockers Devil To Pay is a raucous affair. They take the groove and attitude of solid, ballsy hard rock and amp it up a little, adding crunchier guitars and a weightier low end. Steve Janiak's vocals sound much like Todd Lewis of the Toadies but Janiak has more rasp and clenched-fist grit.

FIYM serves up a bevy of ridiculously catchy licks over a multitude of lyrical topics far headier than the bikers, babes, and beers you'd expect. (Although I'm sure there were plenty of beers to be had.) Bottom line: You'd have to be in a coma not to toe-tap and head-nod with a foolish grin along with Devil To Pay.

Rating: 3.5
(Matt Hinch)